Federal Compliance & Consumer Information

Required Disclosures and Consumer Information Disclosures

This webpage provides a single collecting point for links to information about Clarkson College on a variety of subjects which may be helpful to prospective students, their families, high school counselors and coaches, as well as prospective employees, current students and current employees. This information is presented to comply with the  Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, which requires institutions of higher education to disclose information and reports on various aspects of the institution's policies, procedures, operations and costs.  Clarkson College is committed to complying with the applicable regulations and to providing candid, honest and reliable disclosures and student consumer information.  Students or other persons with questions about the disclosures or consumer information posted on this page may contact Dr. Neka Miller (Director, Institutional Effectiveness) at  [email protected]

If a student has a complaint against Clarkson College, and the student has exhausted all options at the College, the student may contact the  Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Post-secondary Education.

Comprehensive Consumer Information and Disclosure List

View Accreditation Information View CCPE Student Complaints Information
Information Required by When disclosure is made Availability Delivery Method(s)
A list and brief description of the topics made readily available, and how to obtain the information 668.41(a),(c) Enrolled students: school-determined date
Academic programs, facilities, and instructional personnel HEA
Enrolled students,
Prospective students

View Facilities Information

View Academic Program Information

View Personnel Information

Accreditation and licensing of the institution HEA 485(a)(1)(J) 668.41(d)(2)
Enrolled students,
Prospective students
View Accreditation Information
Activities the school offers, easily accessible on the school’s website FSA Handbook
Vol. 2, Ch. 6
Enrolled students,
Prospective students
View Information
Annual fire safety report, if school maintains on-campus housing HEA 485(a)(1)(T),(i) 668.41(c)(2),(e) 668.43(a)(16) 668.49(a)-(c) Enrolled students: Oct. 1, Prospective students: school-determined date, Current employee: Oct. 1, Prospective employees: school-determined date, ED: ED-specified date Enrolled students,
Prospective students
View Information
Annual security report HEA 485(a)(1)(O)
HEA 485(f)(1),(5)-(10),(12)-(14),(17) 668.41(c)(2),(e) 668.46(b)-(d),(g),(h), (j)
Appendix A to Subpart D of Part 668
Enrolled students: Oct. 1, Prospective students: school-determined date, Current employee: Oct. 1, Prospective employees: school-determined date, ED: ED-specified date View Information
Arrangements with other institutions to provide instruction 668.5
Enrolled students,
Prospective students
Available employees responsible for providing consumer information 668.41(a),(d)(2) 668.43(a)(8) 668.44 Enrolled students,
Prospective students
Available financial assistance HEA 485(a)(1)(O) HEA 485(f)(1),(5)-(10),(12)-(14),(17) 668.41(d)(1) 668.42(a),(b) Enrolled students,
Prospective students
View Information
Availability of a GED program, if the school admits students who do not have a high school diploma or equivalent 668.14(b)(13) Enrolled students,
Prospective students
Code of conduct, if participates in Title IV loan programs HEA 487(a)(25),(e) 601.21
Current employees with Title IV loan responsibilities: school-determined date View Information
Code of conduct, if preferred lender arrangement present HEA 153(c)(3) HEA 487(a)(25),(e) 601.2 601.21 Current employees: school-determined date, Institution-affiliated organization(s) with private loan responsibilities: school-determined date View Information
College Financing Plan EO 13607 Prospective students View Information
College Navigator Website 20 USC 1015a Enrolled students, Prospective students, Public View College Navigator Website
Completion or graduation rate 668.41(d)(4) 668.45 ED: July 1 Enrolled students, Prospective students prior to enrolling in or entering into any financial obligation View College Navigator Information
Consortium and contractual agreement (i.e., written arrangements) information HEA 485(a)(1)(G) 668.5 668.41(d)(2) 668.43(a)(12) Enrolled students, Prospective students

View information about our partnerships.

View information about our articulation agreements.

Constitution Day and Citizenship Day program Public Law (P.L.) 108-447, Sec. 111 Federal Register, 05/24/05, p. 29727 Electronic Ann. 08/31/12 Enrolled students: September 17 Enrolled students View Information
Contact information for filing complaints with accrediting, licensing, or any other relevant state official or agency 668.41(d)(2) 668.43(b) Enrolled students, Prospective students



Copyright and peer-to-peer file sharing policies and sanctions HEA 485(a)(1)(P) 668.14(b)(30) 668.41(d)(2) 668.43(a)(10) GEN-10-08 Enrolled students, Prospective students

View Terms of Use Information

View Forms & Handbooks

Cost of attending the institution HEA 485(a)(1)(E) 668.41(d)(2) 668.43(a)(1) Enrolled students, Prospective students

View Cost of Attendance

View Tuition & Fees

Course schedule information HEA 133(e) GEN-10-09 View Information in our Catalog
Crime log HEA 485(f)(4)
View Campus Safety Information
Direct Loan model disclosure form HEA 154(a)
Enrolled students, Prospective students, Families of applicable students View Information
Diversity of student body HEA 485(a)(1)(Q)

View College Profile Information

View Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee (DEIBC)l Information

Drug and alcohol abuse prevention program HEA 120(a)(1),(b)
Enrolled students: school-determined date, Current employees: school-determined date

View Drug and Alcohol Policy Information

View Consumer Information (includes Edgar Report)

Drug-Free Workplace statement 84.200(a)(1)
Current employees: school-determined date View Drug and Alcohol Policy Information
Education loan disclosures, if preferred lender arrangement exists HEA 152(a)(1)(A)
Enrolled students: school-determined date, Prospective students: school-determined date, Families of applicable students: school-determined date
Emergency response and evacuation notification HEA 485(f)(1)(J)(i),(ii) 668.46(e)(3),(g) FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6 Enrolled students, Current employees Our Emeregency Preparedness Guides can be found at  https://www.clarksoncollege.edu/student-life/campus-safety/
Enforcement actions or prosecutions by law enforcement agencies where a final judgment against the institution could result in accrediting agency or State authorization institutional limitations 668.43(a)(20) Enrolled students, Prospectivestudents View Information
Enrollment in graduate or professional educational programs of students who graduate from its four-year degree programs 668.43(a)(15) Enrolled students, Prospectivestudents View Information
Entrance counseling—Direct Loans HEA 485(l)
FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6
Prior to first disbursement of loan proceeds First time borrowers View Information
Exit counseling—Title IV loan programs HEA 485(b)
FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6
Shortly before the borrower ceases at least half-time enrollment or within 30 days of learning the borrower left school or failed to complete exit counseling as required
If enrolled in correspondence or study abroad program, within 30 days of program completion
All student borrowers of a loan made under the Federal Perkins Loan, Direct Loan, or Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) programs View Information
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 99.4
Enrolled students: school-determined date View Information
Fire log HEA 485(i)(3)
View Information included in the annual security report. https://www.clarksoncollege.edu/student-life/campus-safety/
Foreign gifts or contracts worth more than $250,000 in a calendar year HEA 117
ED: Jan. 31 or July 31 Public
Graduate and professional education HEA 485(a)(1)(S)
Enrolled students,   Prospective students View the Academic Catalog
Lender assistance in preparing or providing educational counseling, financial literacy, or debt management materials HEA 487(e)(6)(B)(ii)
At time the educational counseling, financial literacy, or debt materials provided Education loan borrowers View Tuition and Fees Policies Information
Missing student notification HEA 485(j)(1)
FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6
Within 24 hours of determination student is missing Contact person, if one designated by student, Custodial parent or guardian of missing student if under 18 years of age and not emancipated, Local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction in the area View Information
Net Price Calculator 20 USC 1015a(h)
HEA 132(h)
Enrolled students, Prospective students, Public View Information
Notice of availability of report on athletic program participation rates and financial support data [Equity in Athletics Data (EADA)] 668.41(g)(1)
Publish: Oct. 15 Enrolled students, Prospective students, Public
Notice to victims of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking of their rights and options HEA 485(f)(8)(C) 668.46(b)(11) Federal Register, 10/20/14, pp. 62783 to 62790 Upon notification that student or employee was a victim of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking Enrolled students, Current employees View Information
Notice to enrolled students of the availability of consumer information HEA 485(a)(1)(H),(c)
FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6
Enrolled students school-determined dat Enrolled students View Information
Official withdrawal procedures HEA 485(a)(1)(F)
Enrolled students, Prospective students View Information
Outcome of institutional disciplinary proceedings against alleged perpetrator of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking HEA 485(f)(8)(B)(iv)(III)
After any initial, interim, and final decision by any official or entity authorized to resolve disciplinary matters within the institution The accused and accuser View Information
Penalties for drug violations HEA 484(r)
HEA 485(k)
Enrolled students provided upon enrollment View Drug and Alcohol Policy Information
Placement data HEA 485(a)(1)(R)
Enrolled students, Prospective students View College Profile Information
Placement rate, if required by State or accrediting agency 668.43(a)(14) Enrolled students, Prospective students View College Outcomes Information
Placement rate, if rate used to attract students HEA 487(a)(8)
Prospective students provided before or at time of enrollment application View College Outcomes Information
Percentage of students enrolled full-time by gender, race or ethnicity, and recipients of a Federal Pell Grant 668.43(a)(13) Enrolled students, Prospective students View College Profile Information
Preferred lender arrangement annual report HEA 153(c)(2)
ED: ED-specified date Enrolled students, Prospective students, Families of applicable students, Public
Preferred lender list and disclosures HEA 487(a)(27), (h)(1)(A)-(C)
Enrolled students, Prospective students
Private education loan disclosures, if preferred lender arrangement exists HEA 153(c)(1)
School-determined date, but before applying for a loan or selecting a lender: Enrolled students, Prospective students, Families of applicable students
Private education loan disclosures, if school provides information about a private education loan from a lender to a prospective borrower HEA 152(a)(1)(B)
Prospective education loan borrower provided before applying for a loan or selecting a lender View Information
Private Education Loan Applicant Self-Certification form and information needed to complete it 601.11(d)
FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6
Program curriculum meets educational requirements for professional licensure or certification for each State 668.43(a)(5)(v)
If program does not meet educational requirements for a State, notification within 14 calendar days of determination: Enrolled students Enrolled students, Prospective students

View Academic Programs

View Accreditation Information

View State Authorization & Professional Licensure Information

Programs to prevent dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking HEA 485(f)(8)(A)(i)
Federal Register, 10/20/14, pp. 62783 to 62790 (for changes to 668.46 effective 7/1/15)
FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6
Enrolled students: Oct. 1, Prospective students: school-determined date, Current employee: Oct. 1, Prospective employees: school-determined date, ED: ED-specified date

View Information

Also included yearly in annual security report, which can be viewed at https://www.clarksoncollege.edu/student-life/campus-safety/index

Refund policies HEA 485(a)(1)(F)
Enrolled students, Prospective students View Information
Registered sex offender’s information HEA 485(f)(1)(I)
FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6
Enrolled students: Oct. 1, Prospective students: school-determined date, Current employee: Oct. 1, Prospective employees: school-determined date, ED: ED-specified date Included yearly in annual security report, which can be viewed at https://www.clarksoncollege.edu/student-life/campus-safety/index.
Reimbursements for service on advisory boards HEA 485(m) ED: ED-specified date
Retention rate as reported to IPEDS HEA 485(a)(1)(U)
ED: ED-specified date Enrolled students, Prospective students prior to enrolling in or entering into any financial obligation View Information
Retention rate of degree-seeking, first-time, full-time undergraduate students 668.43(a)(17) Enrolled students, Prospective students View Information
Return of Title IV funds requirements HEA 485(a)(1)(F)
Enrolled students, Prospective students View Information
Rights and responsibilities of financial aid recipients HEA 485(a)(1)(D),(K),(M)
Enrolled students, Prospective students View Information
Services and facilities for students with disabilities HEA 485(a)(1)(l)
Enrolled students, Prospective students View Information
State grant assistance information HEA 487(a)(9)
Enrolled education loan borrowers View Information
State, federal, or tribal approval or licensing information 668.41(d)(2)
Enrolled students, Prospective students

View State Authorization Information


Student location 668.43(c)(3)(ii)(C) Enrolled students https://www.clarksoncollege.edu/enrollment/state-authorization-licensure-information 
Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant exit counseling 686.32(c)
FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6 and Vol. 3, Ch. 4
Shortly before student ceases attendance or within 30 days of learning student has left school, withdrawn from a TEACH Grant-eligible program, or failed to complete exit counseling

If enrolled in correspondence or study abroad program, within 30 days of completing the TEACH-Grant eligible program
TEACH Grant recipients

ED-provided TEACH Grant exit counseling is available via National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Student Access website.  

TEACH Grant initial counseling 686.32(a)
FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6, and Vol. 3, Ch. 4
Prior to first disbursement of first TEACH Grant First time TEACH Grant recipients ED-provided online TEACH Grant initial counseling is available on the StudentAid.gov website at  https://studentaid.gov/teach-conversion-counseling/
TEACH Grant subsequent counseling 686.32(b)
FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6, and Vol. 3, Ch. 4
Prior to first disbursement of each subsequent TEACH Grant Prior TEACH Grant recipients ED-provided online TEACH Grant subsequent counseling is available on the StudentAid.gov website at   https://studentaid.gov/teach-initial-and-subsequent-counseling/
Teach-out plan, if required 668.43(a)(19) Enrolled students, Prospective students
Teacher preparation program report card 20 USC 1022d(a) State: April, Public: school-determined date
Textbook information HEA section 133(d),(f)
Enrolled students: each academic period Enrolled students, Prospective students View Information
Timely warning of campus crime and security issues HEA 485(f)(1)(J)(i),(3) 668.46(c),(e)
FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6
Campus community Information is included in the security annual report which can be viewed at  https://www.clarksoncollege.edu/student-life/campus-safety/index.
Third-party servicer compliance audit 668.23(c) ED: ED-specified date
Title IV credit arrangements Federal Register, 10/30/15, pp. 67126 to 67201 GEN-16-16
FSA Handbook, Vol. 4, Ch. 2
Prior to disbursement for disclosures to students regarding options for having an account; annually posted for general disclosures including posting contract(s) and information regarding the arrangement(s) Title IV recipients, Enrolled students, Prospective students, ED
Title IV eligibility for study abroad HEA 485(a)(1)(G),(N)
Enrolled students, Prospective students
Transfer credit policies HEA 485(h)
Enrolled students, Prospective students View Transfer Credit Policy Information (links to Academic Catalog)
Transfer-out rate, if applicable 668.41(d)(4)
ED: ED-specified date, Public: July 1 Enrolled students, Prospective students prior to enrolling in or entering into any financial obligation View College Navigator Information
Vaccination policies HEA 485(a)(1)(V)
Enrolled students, Prospective students View Information
Verification requirements 668.53(b) 2020-21 FSA Handbook, AVG-86
FSA Handbook, Vol. AVG, Ch. 4, Vol. 2, Ch. 2
Timely, so applicant can complete verification by the verification deadline Applicants selected for verification
Voter registration forms 668.14(d)
Enrolled students View Information