Clarkson Service League Heritage Garden
Each year, members of the Clarkson College community gather in the Courtyard in commemoration of the Heritage Garden Walk. This event provides alumni, employees and students the opportunity to create a memorial for a loved one through the purchase of an engraved brick or amphitheater seat in the Clarkson Service League Heritage Garden. The funds received through this unique giving opportunity are applied to the Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund as a means to help pave the way for deserving Clarkson College students.
Brick Selection & Information
Small Brick (4.5" x 4.5"):
$100 Two lines of 10 characters per line
Medium Brick (4.5" x 7"):
$250 Three lines of 14 characters per line
Large Brick (7" x 10"):
$500 Seven Lines of 16 characters per line
Amphitheater Seat:
$2000 Call (402) 552-2685 to order.

For more information about purchasing and dedicating a brick, plaque or amphitheater seat, contact the Alumni and Development Coordinator, Ale Denton, at 402.552.2685.